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Curriculum vitae

Gerald Amrhein

GULP:                        GULP-ID: 72039


Soft Skills
  • Flexibility in the acquisition of a wide range of tasks
  • Empathy in dealing with people
  • Communication skills in language and presentation
  • Ability to abstract complex tasks
  • Assertiveness
QualifikationenQualifications undand Schulungentrainings
  • BSI Grundschutzmethodik ISO27001
  • Project Management Professional
  • Supportingenieur Netzwerke
  • Technik Informatiker (CDI)
  • Study mechanical engineering
  • Fachhochschulreife
  • Ausbildung zum Werkzeugmacher (Gesellenbrief)
  • German (native)
  • Englisch (fluent)

Employment and project overview

My highest school-leaving qualification is the Fachhochschulreife.
Between secondary school and technical college, I trained as a toolmaker.
After 4 semesters of mechanical engineering, I went into IT.
I started with a one-year apprenticeship as a technical computer scientist (CDI), followed by further training as a network engineer, and always with a lot of personal commitment.

I have been learning new things all my life and hopefully that will never end.

I was employed for most of my professional life, and for a few years I worked as a freelance IT consultant. 
I am not allowed to name my clients during my freelance work. 
I am happy to provide information on request.

Support Engineer - Monitoring , PSI Software AG

2016 - heute

Development and operation of a monitoring system for decentralized, offline infrastructure in the KRITIS environment.

Setting up a monitoring system

12/2012 – 01/2013

Implementation of a Nagios system for the monitoring of:

  • Hardware Komponenten
  • Windows Servern
  • Linux Servern
  • Vmware Hostsystemen und virtuellen Systemen
  • Telefonanlage
  • Infrastrukturkomponenten

Business Consultant  

09/2011 – 12/2012

Consulting Services  „ISO27001 nach IT-Grundschutz (BSI)“

  • Analysis of requirements for the general decision to introduce a new service product
  • Development of a virtual hospital to visualize the needs of management
  • Dynamic PowerPoint presentation to illustrate critical elements
  • Creation of adjusted network plans to illustrate the potential risks
  • Comparison of a functional overview with a network plan
  • Implementation of a virtual hospital in the GS tool
  • Creating the individual elements from the virtual hospital
  • Creating the physical and logical links
  • Representation of the critical systems
  • Evaluation of the protection requirement classes
  • Carrying out an information security analysis for a pilot customer
  • Actual assessment of the situation
  • Presentation of the potential risks
  • Presentation of the results to the customer
  • Recommendation of a procedure to eliminate the risks
  • Evaluation of processes and tools to optimize the workflow
  • Advising my client on proactive management
  • My client would like to expand its service portfolio to include proactive management and a management dashboard.

Based on my many years of experience with this client and very good contacts to their customers, I supported this project in defining the parameters as well as in the design of the presentation


09/2011 – 12/2012

Conversion of a complex customer system from classic server and workstation technology to virtualization.

A 24/7 operation with a maximum recovery time of 2 hours is required!

  • Analysis of the initial situation
  • Development of 3 possible variants
    • 2 node clusters with shared storage and remote backup server (Veeam B&R) in second fire compartment (* target system)
    • 2 room clusters with Datacore storage virtualization
    • 2 single Vmware host systems with online replication of the virtual systems
  • Procurement of the entire system
  • Setup and commissioning
  • Installation of the hardware
  • Installation of Vmware System vSphere / ESX 5.x
  • Installation of the virtual hosts (P2V, new installation)
  • Configuration of the Active Directory, DHCP, DNS
  • Configuration of the Veeam backup system version 6
  • Test of recoverability in the required time
  • Documentation and handover to an operational service provider
  • User training for simple troubleshooting
  • Training of support staff in Vmware implementation and support
  • Hardening of the systems according to IT-Grundschutz (BSI)

Setting up a test system at my customer's premises for support and development purposes

  • Procurement of hardware
  • Installation of the above system as a “nested” Vmware system on a single physical server
  • Documentation of this special solution
  • Handover to the customer
  • Customer workshop with project managers on Vmware technology
  • Customer workshop in vmware installation, upgrade and administration
  • Customer workshop in Veeam Backup & Replication before product decision

Projectmanager / IT Consultant 

01/2009 – 09/2011

  • Project management in healthcare projects
    • New implementations
    • Upgrade of live systems
    • Performance optimization and error analysis projects
    • Projects to validate new releases of customer software
  • Upgrade planning and implementation
  • Sub-project management backend systems
  • Sub-project management for radio relay networking
  • Project management in troubleshooting projects
    • Coordination of hardware manufacturer specialists
    • Mediation between the partners involved
    • Project planning
    • Contact person for the customer in the troubleshooting process
  • Analysis of performance and stability problems of SAN and NFS storage systems
    • Hardware problems between Linux servers and FC SAN storage (emc2, FTS, Netapp)
    • Hardware problems with NFS-connected long-term storage systems (Netapp)
    • Software problems in the application and programming logic
  • Advice on expanding the LAN / SAN / storage infrastructure
  • Advice on the expansion or new acquisition of archive solutions
  • Planning and implementation of Vmware cluster systems
  • Planning and implementation of Vmware backup
  • Setting up system management in the customer system

IT Consultant, SMP Management AG

10/2008 – 01/2009

  • System consulting on behalf of a German hardware manufacturer
  • Calculation of storage systems based on customer requirements
  • Selection of suitable hardware systems to meet the requirements
  • Technical sub-project management in healthcare projects
  • Infrastructure consulting in the run-up to healthcare projects
  • Analysis of customer requirements and adaptation with the product portfolio
  • Analysis of the customer infrastructure and development of the integration

IT-Consulting for PACS Systems

02/2006 – 09/2008

Conception of IT infrastructure solutions for a German PACS manufacturer

Development of the server and SAN solution based on the software and customer requirements.

  • Calculation of short-term and long-term storage systems based on end customer parameters
  • Integration of special customer requirements into the SAN/LAN concept.
  • Clarification of special requirements in the presales process.
  • Conception of non-standard systems in cooperation with software development and product management.
  • Technical sub-project management in the rollout phase of complex PACS systems and integration projects.

Microsoft Exchange Server Migration

6/2005 – 01/2006

A German bank is migrating 12 Exchange 5.5 servers to a highly available Exchange 2003 cluster.

  • Development of a detailed concept for the migration of 2500 user mailboxes and approx. 500 other objects using NetIQ Exchange Migrator.
  • Test of the concept in the lab environment
  • Installation and configuration of the Exchange 2003 cluster.
  • Installation and configuration of the NetIQ migration platform.
  • Migration of users.
  • Training the administrators in Exchange 2003 administration.
  • Development of a concept to support the administrators in standard processes.

Development of a central data store


A management consultant is looking for a central platform to store business-relevant information for 10 sales representatives.

An important aspect is the cost-effective and trouble-free operation of the system.

  • Renting a dedicated server from 1&1
  • Setup of a file and mail server.
  • Integration of a data backup concept
  • Implementation of terminal services
  • Implementation of Sharepoint services

User migration Exchange GEO Cluster

3/2005 – 5/2005

A German bank changes its service provider and the 3700 Exchange users are moved to a new Exchange 2003 GEO cluster.

  • Development of test and installation scenarios for the GEO Cluster
  • Developing test and installation scenarios for the components
  • Virus scan and backup
  • Installation and testing of the cluster system with all components
  • Creating a scenario for the user transfer, taking into account
  • the Windows NT/Outlook 98 client systems
  • Implementation of the user transfer
  • Documentation of all scenarios
  • All sub-steps were handled in accordance with ISO

PlanungPlanning undand Aufbausetting einerup Testumgebunga test environment


Für Integrationstest verschiedener Kunden wird eineA flexible Umgebungenvironment gefordertis umrequired for integration tests for various customers in order to be able to map diverse Anforderungen abbilden zu können.requirements.

  • 2 DomänencontrollerDomain controller (Microsoft Server 2003 Std.)
  • 1 Terminalserver (Microsoft Server 2003 Std.)
  • 1 Exchange 2003 Cluster (Microsoft Server 2003 Ent. + MS Exchange 2003 Ent.)
  • 1 Microsoft SMS Server mitwith Netinstall SW VerteilungDistribution undand OSD
  • 1 Microsoft Operation Management Server
  • DieImplementation Abbildungon diesertop Umgebung basiert aufof VMWare GSX Server 3.2

ServerkonsolidierungServer consolidation in einera deutschenGerman Bankbank

3/2004 – 1/2005

EineA deutscheGerman Bankbank tauschtreplaces 3000 Serverservers gegenwith neuenew Hardware aus.hardware.

  • AnpassungCustomization vonof Installationsverfahreninstallation fürprocedures for MS Windows NT4 Server, MS Windows 2000 Server undand MS Windows Server 2003
  • FehlerbehebungError correction in Treiberinstallationsdateiendriver installation files
  • EntwicklungDevelopment einesof Verfahrensa zurprocedure sicherenfor Erstellungthe einessecure Netzwerkcreation Adapterof Teamsa network adapter team in Perl undand VB-Script.
  • Integration vonof Installationsabläufeninstallation procedures in verschiedenedifferent Umgebungen.environments.
  • FehlerbehebungTroubleshooting anof bestehendenexisting Verfahrenprocedures
  • AnpassungAdaptation vonof SMS Abläufenprocedures undand Fehleranalyseerror innerhalbanalysis derwithin the SMS Pakete.packages.
  • AnalyseAnalysis derof bestehendenexisting OSD Verfahrenprocedures undand aufzeigenidentification vonof Alternativenalternatives inkl.including Aufwandsschätzung.cost estimation.
  • LeistungstestsPerformance mittests verschiedenenwith Treiberständendifferent desdriver Hardwarelieferantenversions from the hardware supplier
  • DokumentationDocumentation derof Abläufethe processes

SteuerberatungskanzleienTax consulting firms

1995 - 2007

PlanungPlanning undand Realisierungimplementation derof IT-Infrastrukturthe vonIT Steuerberatungskanzleien.infrastructure of tax consulting firms.

  • PlanungPlanning undand Durchführungimplementation derof Netzwerknetwork Verkabelungcabling
  • PlanungPlanning / Konfigurationconfiguration undand Implementierungimplementation derof Serverthe server
  • DATEV Clientclient / Serverserver Modellmodel
  • DATEV Terminal Server ModellModel
  • ImplementierungImplementation undand Konfigurationconfiguration derof Arbeitsstationenthe workstations
  • FernbetreuungRemote dersupport Kanzleienof the law firms via VPN undand RDP.
  • DurchführenExecution vonof Servermigrationenserver untermigrations under Novell Netware 3 undand 4 nachto Microsoft Windows Server 2000 undand 2003.

NationalesNational Ingenieurbüroengineering office

2/2002 – 7/2002

PlanungPlanning undand Realisierungrealization derof IT-Infrastrukturthe einesIT mittelständischeninfrastructure Ingenieurbüros.of Serverarchitektura medium-sized engineering office server architecture.

  • PlanungPlanning derthe IT-InfrastrukturIT desinfrastructure Büroneubausof the new office building
  • VerkabelungCabling desof Büroneubausthe new office building
  • AufbauSetting derup lokalenthe Client-local /client/server Server Infrastrukturinfrastructure
  • ArbeitsstationsanbindungWorkstation undconnection Officeand Implementierungoffice implementation
  • AnbindungConnection vonof Außendienstnotebooksfield service notebooks via GPRS

Senior Consultant, m+s Elektronik AG

12/2000 – 6/2002

  • AufbauEstablishment derof Abteilungthe Content Management Systeme“Systems” department
  • Strategieentwicklung:Strategy „Wasdevelopment: will“What diedoes Abteilungthe erreichen?“department want to achieve?”
  • Definition derof Ressourcenresources
  • AusarbeitungElaboration derof Strukturenthe structures
  • Partner Akquiseacquisition
  • SchulungsorganisationTraining organization
  • ProjektrealisierungProject realization
  • ProjektleitungProject fürmanagement for eProcurement Systemlösungensystem solutions

BIT Manager, m+s Elektronik AG

3/2000 – 11/2000

Angebotsanfragen,Requests diefor mehrquotations alsthat integrate more than 2 Bereicheareas desof Unternehmensthe integrierencompany werdenare durchprocessed dasby the BIT Management Team bearbeitet.

  • Definition derof Aufgabenthe einestasks of a BIT Managersmanager
  • ImplementierungImplementation vonof Prozessenprocesses imin Bereichthe area of BIT Managementmanagement
  • UnterstützungSupporting derthe Juniorjunior Consultantsconsultants in fachlichenspecialist Thementopics
  • ErstellenPreparation vonof komplexencomplex Angebotenoffers unterinvolving Einbeziehungall allerGroup Konzerntöchter.subsidiaries.
  • AusarbeitungPreparation derof Kundenpräsentationthe customer presentation
  • PräsentationPresentation desof Angebotesthe beimoffer Kundento the customer                               

SoftwareverteilungSoftware distribution in einera deutschenGerman Bankbank 

12/1998 – 03/1999

Integration einerof Softwareverteilungslösunga untersoftware distribution solution under Netinstall 3.x fürfor ca.approx. 5000 Arbeitsplätzeworkstations anat 3 Standorten.locations.

  • EntwicklungDevelopment einesof Konzeptesa fürconcept verteiltefor Datenhaltungdistributed derdata storage of the Netinstall Server.servers.
  • AufbauDevelopment derof logischenthe Serverinfrastrukturlogical server infrastructure
  • BetreuungSupervision derof physikalischenthe Implementierungphysical implementation
  • EntwickelnDeveloping undand Testentesting derthe Verteilungsscriptedistribution undscripts Regelnand unterrules under Perl.
  • AnbindungConnection vonof 2 externenexternal Standortenlocations anto dasthe Zentralsystemcentral system
  • Administration desof Gesamtsystemsthe währendoverall dessystem Rolloutduring the rollout
  • Administration derof the 2 externenexternal Standortelocations währendduring derthe Umzugsphasenrelocation phases

ClientmigrationClient migration in einera deutschenGerman Bankbank

04/1999 – 09/1999

PlanungPlanning undand Durchführungimplementation derof Migrationthe vonmigration of 400 Notebooksnotebooks mitwith Betriebssystemoperating undsystem and Office Upgradeupgrade

  • KonzeptionConception desof BSthe UpgradesOS vonupgrade from MS Windows 9x zuto MS Windows NT4
  • ProjektierungProject desplanning BSof Upgradesthe OS upgrade from IBM OS2 2.x zuto IBM OS2 Warp
  • KonzeptionConception desof Upgradesthe derupgrade Applikationenof imapplications in the Windows Umfeldenvironment
  • ProjektierungProject desplanning Upgradesof derthe Applikationenupgrade imof applications in the OS2 Umfeldenvironment
  • KonzeptionConception derof Datenübernahmethe data transfer
  • PlanungPlanning desthe Rollout:rollout: Abholungcollection beimfrom Kundenthe customer Upgrade- upgrade Auslieferung- zumdelivery Kundento the Kurzeinweisungcustomer - brief instruction
  • Gesamtprojektleitung
    Overall project management

InternationaleInternational IndustrieIndustry

6/1998 – 11/1998

Beratung,Consulting, Konzeptionierungconceptual unddesign Durchführungand einerimplementation Clientof Migrationa vonclient migration from SNA Terminalsterminals zuto MS Office in einema nationalennational Umfeld.environment. ZusätzlichIn deraddition, hierzuthe notwendigennecessary Implementierungimplementation derof gesamtenthe Serverentire Infrastruktur.server infrastructure.

  • AufbereitungPreparation derof Anforderungenthe descustomer's Kundenrequirements undand Präsentationpresentation einesof Lö example solution.
  • KonzeptionierungConception derof Serverinfrastrukturthe aufserver Basisinfrastructure based on MS Windows NT4 Server
  • KonzeptionierungConceptual desdesign Serverraumesof undthe derserver Anforderungenroom anand diesen.its requirements.
  • KonzeptionierungConception derof LAN-Infrastruktur,the unterLAN Einbindunginfrastructure, derintegrating vorhandenenthe Verkabelungexisting imcabling the plant.
  • AufbauInstallation derof Serverthe amservers Standorton site in Zusammenarbeitcollaboration mitwith denthe Technikerntechnicians
  • KonfigurationConfiguration derof einzelnenthe Diensteindividual undservices Serverand
    • Primary Domain Controller
    • Backup Domain Controller
      • File Server
      • Backupserver
      • SMS Server
      • SNA Server
    • KonfigurationConfiguration undand Implementierungimplementation derof the SMS Sitesite Strukturstructure
    • KonzeptionDesign undand Implementierungimplementation einerof Umgebungan fürenvironment „wanderndefor Benutzer““roaming users”
    • ProjektplanungProject undplanning Gesamtprojektleitungand overall project management

    Technical Consultant, m+s Elektronik AG

    09/1995 – 05/1998

    • PlanungPlanning undand Realisierungrealization vonof Server-server / Domänenkonzeptendomain aufconcepts Basisbased
      on Microsoft Windows NT
    • PlanungPlanning undand Implementationimplementation vonof Microsoft Windows NT Lösungensolutions

    • (File-file undand Printservices,print Mail,services, Backup,mail, Softwareverteilung)backup, software distribution) in bestehendeexisting Systemesystems
    • PlanungPlanning undand Realisierungrealization vonof „High“high Availabilityavailability Lösungen“solutions” aufbased Basis vonon Compaq Serversystemenserver systems
    • PlanungPlanning undand Realisierungimplementation vonof Datensicherungskonzeptendata imbackup heterogenenconcepts Umfeldin a heterogeneous environment

    System Engineer, GEODAT GmbH

    04/1993 – 06/1994

    • TechnischeTechnical Kundenbetreuungcustomer support
    • ProjektierungProject undplanning Realisationand vonrealization of Novell Netzwerkennetworks

    System Engineer, Dötsch GmbH

    12/1991 – 03/1993

    • ReparaturRepair undand Wartungmaintenance vonof PCs and peripherals
    • Configuration of PC und Peripheriesystems
    • KonfigurationProject vonplanning PCof SystemenNovell networks
    • ProjektierungProject vonplanning Novelland Netzwerken
    • installation
    • Projektierung und Installation vonof IT Infrastrukturinfrastructure

    System Engineer, Syscotec GmbH

    04/1991 – 11/1991

    • Support vonfor Peripherieproduktenperipheral improducts PC-Bereichin the PC sector
    •  Peer to Peerpeer Netzwerkenetworks
    • DatensicherungData Laufwerkebackup drives
    • Schnittstellenkarten

      Interface cards